Virtual Salon Gathering
OnlinePaul Klemperer hosts a virtual salon, with presentation on music, aging, and the brain For Zoom link, email: [email protected]
Paul Klemperer hosts a virtual salon, with presentation on music, aging, and the brain For Zoom link, email: [email protected]
Paul Klemperer reads
PK hosts a Virtual Salon Gathering. Email [email protected] for link.
During this cold snap many of us will be indoors and moving less. I'll lead a session of postures and…
PK leads an informal exercise class for stress reduction during these difficult times. Email him for the logon link: [email protected]…
During the crazy week of winter we experienced, a friend asked me if I would host some kind of stress-reducing…
Debra Watson and The Smoking' Aces. Blues, Swing, Standards.
PK & Friends play in the Driveway. Join us in the sun or online at:
Paul Klemperer & Julie Slim present Songs Of Spring livestreamed concert.
PK teams up with Spike Gillespie for a day of community celebration. Yoga, music, picnic...and scones! Paul Klemperer: Musician,Teacher,Writer